Minutes of the committee Meeting of the Gosberton Patient Participation Group

29th August 2024

Attending               Mr Preston Keeling           Chairman

                                    Mr Adrian Denner             Vice Chair

                                    Mr Richard Baker              Treasurer

                                    Mrs Sue Wayman             Secretary

                                    Mrs Eilene Keeling           Committee

                                    Mrs Ro Holmes                  Committee

                                    Rev Steve Wetherly – Barton    Committee

                                    Mrs Sarah Cooper            Committee

                                    Mr Bredan D’Abreo          Committee

                                    Mrs Monique Allen           Member

                                    Mrs Angela Dancer          Member

                                    Mrs Millie Krusinska        Practice Manager

Apologies               Mrs J. Warman, Mr A. Leworthy and Mrs S. Morgan


Welcome   Preston welcomed Mrs Dancer as a new member and Millie to her new role as Practice Manager.

Minutes       Taken as read and signed as a true record. There were no matters arising.

Chair’s report       The new gardening group was discussed. Brendan had been involved and reported it was early stages but quite a large area was being utilised. Angela and Monique have both offered their services.

The CQC Inspection is set for the 3rd October. Preston was interviewed over the phone and was able to give a good report.

Treasurer’s report          Richard reported that he had taken £30.00 out of the box in July and again in August. The bank account was stable at about £2,000.

Secretary’s Report        Sue reported that we had two new members and membership was now 38.

Pinchbeck Event             Preston and Adrian have agreed to split manning the stall between them. Sarah Morgan has offered to help man the stall.

Practice Update              Millie reported that there were no staffing changes and that the pharmacy was running well.

Sarah asked why there had been problems getting appointments about three weeks ago as apparently none were available. Millie stated that there had been some clinicians with covid and no locums were available. She said they would be better prepared next time.

Ro raised the issue of NHS text messages which contradicted surgery appointment times. Best advice is ignore “NHS noreply” messages. This is nothing to do with the surgery and is a central problem over which they have no control. Millie also advised use of 111 system if appointments were unavailable.

The telephone system has been changed and seems better.

The surgery has access to a diabetic nurse one day a week, via remote appointments, but Millie is trying to get agreement to allow for face to face appointments.

Flu and covid vaccines should be available around 9th September. Once the surgery has access to the vaccines they will set up Saturday clinics. The surgery would like the PPG involved again as traffic management.

Vaccines for RSV and Tetanus were also discussed.

Private vaccination certificates should be given to the practice so they can be scanned, added to records and returned to owner.

Patient Survey     This was discussed and agreed to. Preston will send out last times questions so all can put forward ideas as to what needs to change.

Website      Richard stated that the web site was up to date.

Membership         Brendan said that in order to sell the PPG we needed to show what people got out of it. Millie will check that the PPG is included on the screen. A twice yearly newsletter was discussed and agreed. If the practice is happy to support this Monique said she would be happy to help draft it.

Preston requested that Millie arranged for a meeting between him and Dr Morsy, as previously agreed, in October.

Millie is keen for the PPG to continue with the Christmas boxes but it was agreed that we need bigger labels to promote ourselves.

Rachel the Social Prescriber will be back shortly and Preston requested that she come to the next meeting.

The photos on the board need updating. Richard  will take charge of this.

The use of mobile phones in the waiting room was again discussed. This can lead to stress for patients and it was felt that a notice asking for consideration in this matter could be displayed.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 11.30

Next Meeting Thursday 31st October 10am at the surgery.