We are sorry you feel the need to complain
All the staff at Gosberton Medical Centre do their very best to provide you with the best possible service, however, like any other organisation we sometimes get it wrong
Our complaint policy and process is detailed below, please read this carefully so that we can deal with complaint as quickly as possible
Information required from you to help us handle your complaint
- Your name and contact details.
- Date of your complaint.
- Specific details of your complaint
- Clinical – about the service provided to you by our clinical staf
- Non-clinical – about areas such as Practice administration, policies or procedures or general matters.
- Who within our Practice is involved in your complaint.
- Any other relevant information.
Although disappointing to receive complaints, we take them very seriously, and use them as learning opportunities to improve our services.
We feel it is important to review complaints with the relevant members of our Practice Team, therefore, clinical complaints are discussed by the clinicians unless there are any issues within them which have relevance to the whole team
Non-clinical complaints are shared with the whole of our Practice Team.
We find this system serves us well and leads to improvements in our service delivery overall.
Our Practice is keen to receive feedback about the service we provide our patients. We particularly like to hear from you when you feel that things have gone well and why they have gone well.
We understand that we cannot be perfect, even though we always try to do our best within the constraints of the system in which we work, therefore, we would like to hear from you when things have not gone well. We can then consider and assess any changes or developments we can make to improve the service we provide our patients.
Making a Complaint
Most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily with the person concerned, often at the time they arise, and this may be the approach you try first.
Where you are not able to resolve your complaint in this way and wish to make a formal complaint you should do so, preferably in writing as soon as possible after the event and ideally within a few days, giving as much detail as you can, as this helps us to establish what happened more easily.
In any event, this should be:
- Within 12 months of the incident,
- or within 12 months of you becoming aware of the matter
A complaint can be made by a patient or person acting on behalf of a patient with their consent.
Our Practice Manager Dorota Kowynia-Kaczor handles our complaints and you can :
- ask to speak with her
- email her
- write to her at our Practice address
We aim to resolve the matter as soon as possible and we will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and explain how we will handle it and in what timescales if it requires further investigation.
At all times your complaint will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.